Best Ways To Minimize Back Pain In Your Everyday Life

Have you ever heard the phrase “sitting is the new smoking”? Well it is true, humans sit more than ever. Our bodies were made to move, not to live in stagnation. Most of us work a desk job sitting for 7+ hours. This posture can lead to a variety of abnormalities which eventually can be a cause of pain in the back.

When seated our hip flexors are in a contracted state, there is usually forward head posture, rounded shoulders, and tense low back muscles. There are several different exercises, postural awareness, and ergonomics changes that can be implemented to prevent, manage, and improve pain from chronic sitting.

First, it is important to become aware of how one is seated. Making sure to keep your shoulders back and head in line with your shoulders. Often times, people are slouched over which can be a possible cause of headaches. It is also important to not sit on a wallet or have crossed legs. Over time, this can lead to one hip being higher than the other which can put pressure on the nerves of the low back and lead to pain. Muscles that most likely need stretched are hip flexors, pec major, and SCM all of which stretches can be googled for. Muscles that possibly need strengthened are are glutes, and rhomboids. Be sure to check in with your chiropractor/healthcare provider before implementing any new exercises or stretches. If the office space allows, it is also helpful to get a standing desk or to sit on an exercise ball. Take walks during breaks, get outside, stretch every 30 minutes and take deep breathes. All of these things can help rewire and reignite the brain/ body.

Remember our bodies are designed to move. A healthy spine leads to a healthy life. Get up, move your body, go see a chiropractor, get some sunshine, and the conquer the day!

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Dr. Chris Mcneil

Dr. Chris McNeil specializes in Chiropractic Rehab and Disc Decompression Therapy. He is the first Chiropractor in Michigan to be certified in the Chiropractic Biophysics (CBP) technique of posture & spinal rehabilitation. CBP is the chiropractic technique with the most research studies published in medical and chiropractic journals, so it is the most scientific and specific of all the chiropractic techniques. Dr. Chris is also certified in the Kennedy disc decompression therapy technique for the treatment of bulging, herniated or degenerated discs.
Growing up in Metro Detroit Michigan in a medical family, with both his mother and father working as registered nurses, Dr. Chris always knew he wanted to go into the medical profession. After recovering from a severe auto accident while he was in high school, in which he fractured both of his arms, several fingers and his leg, and had to undergo extensive surgeries and physical therapy. That is when Dr. Chris decided to go to Wayne State University to become a physical therapist.
At the same time Dr. Chris was going to Wayne State University to become a physical therapist he was introduced to chiropractic care by a high school friend who was going to Life University to become a chiropractor.  Since starting under chiropractic care, the chronic sinus infections he used to experience on a monthly basis now happen rarely, and at that time he became a chiropractic believer and converted. That’s when he changed his college major from physical therapy to chiropractic.
Dr. Chris graduated from Life University in Marietta Georgia in 2002 and has dedicated his life to helping the people of Macomb County Michigan achieve natural and safe health and healing through chiropractic rehab and disc decompression therapy.