
Numbness Jamie came into Macomb Township Chiropractic complaining of numbness in her legs and back pain with a pain level of 7, from 1-10. She said she had been having the numbness for about a year and it was affecting everything in her everyday life. She was only able to walk short distances, could not […]


Scoliosis Janice came into Macomb Township Chiropractic with pain and walking issues relating to her congenital scoliosis. She complained of her back curvature and having neck pain, low back pain, hip pain, and sciatica pain. On a scale from 1-10, Janice listed her pain levels at 6’s and 7’s. When asked how it was affecting her daily […]

Mid Back Pain

Mid Back Pain Janet came into our office complaining about mid back pain as well as low back pain, and pain and spasms in her ankles and feet. She also had some concerns with her posture. On a pain scale from 1-10, Janet listed her mid back pains at 6. She said “the middle of […]

Disc Bulge/Herniation

Disc Bulge/Herniation Linda came into Macomb Township Chiropractic with bulging and herniated discs that were causing severe sciatica, and low back pain, that she rated as a 10, on a scale from 1 to 10. In her testimonial video, she actually stated it was “a 10 +”. She stated that every aspect of her life was being affected from her […]


Headaches/Migraines Phil, a 29 year old male, came into our office in May, 2024, with headache and neck pain, as well as some low back pain. While he stated his pain was intermittent, he noted he had been suffering from the back pain for almost ten years and the headaches had plagued him for over […]


Sciatica Ron came into our office the spring of 2023 with severe Sciatica pain, low back pain, hip pain, numbness and tingling in his legs, and stated he had disc bulges. He rated his pain at a 9 out of 10 with the low back and hip pain as being constant. Ron said he’d been […]

Neck Pain

Neck Pain Laura, a 60’s something young lady, came into our office with severe neck and low back pain. She described her pain in her neck as constant, and rated it at a 7 on a scale of 1-10 for severity. Laura said she was suffering with the pain for over a year and was […]

Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain Victor, a 28 year old male, came into our office in December, 2022, with low and mid back pain. His pain was intermittent, but he stated it was interfering with his daily activities. Victor was working from home and sitting in front of a computer every day, which was causing what we […]

Chiropractic Self-Care Tips for a Merry and Pain-Free Season

Chiropractic Self-Care Tips for a Merry and Pain-Free Season December 5, 2023 The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and spending quality moments with loved ones. However, amidst the festivities, it’s common for people to neglect their well-being, leading to stress and physical strain. This year, consider incorporating chiropractic self-care into your holiday […]

Managing Headaches with Chiropractic Adjustments

Relief Beyond Pills: Managing Headaches with Chiropractic Adjustments November 18, 2023 Headaches can be a pervasive and debilitating issue for many individuals, impacting daily life and productivity. While reaching for over-the-counter pain relievers is a common response, an alternative and holistic approach to managing headaches is gaining recognition: chiropractic care. In this blog post, we’ll […]

Dr. Chris Mcneil

Dr. Chris McNeil specializes in Chiropractic Rehab and Disc Decompression Therapy. He is the first Chiropractor in Michigan to be certified in the Chiropractic Biophysics (CBP) technique of posture & spinal rehabilitation. CBP is the chiropractic technique with the most research studies published in medical and chiropractic journals, so it is the most scientific and specific of all the chiropractic techniques. Dr. Chris is also certified in the Kennedy disc decompression therapy technique for the treatment of bulging, herniated or degenerated discs.
Growing up in Metro Detroit Michigan in a medical family, with both his mother and father working as registered nurses, Dr. Chris always knew he wanted to go into the medical profession. After recovering from a severe auto accident while he was in high school, in which he fractured both of his arms, several fingers and his leg, and had to undergo extensive surgeries and physical therapy. That is when Dr. Chris decided to go to Wayne State University to become a physical therapist.
At the same time Dr. Chris was going to Wayne State University to become a physical therapist he was introduced to chiropractic care by a high school friend who was going to Life University to become a chiropractor.  Since starting under chiropractic care, the chronic sinus infections he used to experience on a monthly basis now happen rarely, and at that time he became a chiropractic believer and converted. That’s when he changed his college major from physical therapy to chiropractic.
Dr. Chris graduated from Life University in Marietta Georgia in 2002 and has dedicated his life to helping the people of Macomb County Michigan achieve natural and safe health and healing through chiropractic rehab and disc decompression therapy.