Poor posture is something that affects a large portion of the population and causes a host of different physical ailments. Even though it is up to us, and we have total control over whether we maintain good posture or not, most of us choose to slouch, slump, hunch, or lean. Poor posture can end up causing a lot of pain and discomfort, but it can also be improved by Macomb Township Chiropractic.


Maintaining good posture is challenging. It is much easier to let your shoulders hunch forward and your pelvis slouch back than to keep your shoulders back and keep the natural curve in your lower spine intact. Some people have structural causes of poor posture that are no fault of their own, but most have what are known as positional causes for poor posture. These include:

  • Bad postural habits resulting from general laziness.
  • Excessive weight.
  • General weakness in the midsection.
  • Muscle imbalance or spasm.
  • Pain in areas of the body that prevent proper posture.
  • Self-esteem issues that cause you to slouch.
  • Degenerative conditions preventing correct posture.
  • Over-reliance on support from a non-ergonomic chair.


One of the main consequences of consistent poor posture is pain. Your body craves balance and when you regularly place undue stress on your pelvis, back, neck, knees, shoulders, and hips you’re going to become out of balance. Over time you may develop chronic pain conditions that you may attribute to getting older or some other condition, when in truth they are from your habit of poor posture.


Chiropractic doctors have the ability to analyze your posture to determine what is at the root of the problem. Some of the things your chiropractor will look for include:

  • Height variance across your shoulders.
  • A forward tilt in the pelvis.
  • Alignment in your knees.
  • Stance variations like turning one or both feet outward.
  • Changes in your normal gait.
  • An increase in your spinal curvature.

Once the underlying causes of your posture issues are determined, a chiropractor can create a treatment program and help you correct the problem. Along with spinal adjustments, you may be given instruction on how to sit properly, stand and walk properly, and work properly as it relates to posture.

Your chiropractic treatment will help, but it is only half the battle. You will also need to be more conscious of your posture in your daily activities and correct the bad habits you’ve created over the years. It ‘s a challenging task, but one you can master with regular practice.

Contact our chiropractic team at Macomb Township Chiropractic for help.

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Dr. Chris Mcneil

Dr. Chris McNeil specializes in Chiropractic Rehab and Disc Decompression Therapy. He is the first Chiropractor in Michigan to be certified in the Chiropractic Biophysics (CBP) technique of posture & spinal rehabilitation. CBP is the chiropractic technique with the most research studies published in medical and chiropractic journals, so it is the most scientific and specific of all the chiropractic techniques. Dr. Chris is also certified in the Kennedy disc decompression therapy technique for the treatment of bulging, herniated or degenerated discs.
Growing up in Metro Detroit Michigan in a medical family, with both his mother and father working as registered nurses, Dr. Chris always knew he wanted to go into the medical profession. After recovering from a severe auto accident while he was in high school, in which he fractured both of his arms, several fingers and his leg, and had to undergo extensive surgeries and physical therapy. That is when Dr. Chris decided to go to Wayne State University to become a physical therapist.
At the same time Dr. Chris was going to Wayne State University to become a physical therapist he was introduced to chiropractic care by a high school friend who was going to Life University to become a chiropractor.  Since starting under chiropractic care, the chronic sinus infections he used to experience on a monthly basis now happen rarely, and at that time he became a chiropractic believer and converted. That’s when he changed his college major from physical therapy to chiropractic.
Dr. Chris graduated from Life University in Marietta Georgia in 2002 and has dedicated his life to helping the people of Macomb County Michigan achieve natural and safe health and healing through chiropractic rehab and disc decompression therapy.