
Janice came into Macomb Township Chiropractic with pain and walking issues relating to her congenital scoliosis. She complained of her back curvature and having neck pain, low back pain, hip pain, and sciatica pain. On a scale from 1-10, Janice listed her pain levels at 6’s and 7’s. When asked how it was affecting her daily life, Janice listed it was affecting almost everything from sitting to standing, sleeping, household chores, and mostly walking; it was also limiting her range of movement. She was taking ibuprofen on a regular basis, and tried adding vitamins and calcium to her daily routine, but got no noticeable pain relief.

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On Janice’s first visit, Dr. Chris McNeil Macomb Township Chiropractic Chiropractor did a full consultation, exam and chiropractic x-rays were taken. Dr. Chris found multiple areas of misalignment’s that were pinching on the nerves which were contributing to Janice’s pain. Janice’s scoliosis was also confirmed on the x-rays and curvature measurements were noted. Janice started on a care plan that consisted of regular chiropractic adjustments, postural rehabilitation, and disc decompression. Four months later at her re-exam, her x-rays showed notable improvement and she noted her back and hip pain were moderately better, and her neck pain was almost totally better. She also noted on her evaluation form that she had “more strength & movement.” After completing her care plan and continuing on a maintenance plan, today Janice’s pain is gone, her posture has improved, and she is quoted as saying “I’m doing everything I want to do without pain”, “everything is great!” She has no problems walking anymore, and is “working out at the gym” and being active lifting and interacting with her new grandson.

Scoliosis is a condition that causes an abnormal sideways curving of the spine, often in the shape of an S or C. The curve can happen on either side of the spine, and in different places in the spine. The cause is often not known, but usually detected in childhood. Researchers speculate it could be genetic, developmental issues when the baby is in the womb, injury or trauma to the spine in childhood such as falling off a bicycle, or cell structure changes. Most cases of scoliosis are mild, but left uncorrected, many cases can worsen causing additional problems.

What are the Symptoms of Scoliosis?

Uneven shoulders, one shoulder blade more prominent that the other, uneven hips, one rib cage higher than the other, uneven waist, loss of structural balance, poor posture.

What Kind of Problems Arise from Scoliosis?

Breathing problems (due to rib cage pressing against lungs), back pain, which can become chronic, difficulty standing upright, core muscle weakness, leg pain, numbness or weakness, and loss of height is also possible. As scoliosis worsens, it can cause more visible changes causing one to become self-conscience about their appearance; this can add to anxiety, depression, and lack of social interaction. More severe cases left untreated can lead to long-lasting pain, physical deformity, organ damage, nerve damage, arthritis, spinal fluid leakage, and risky surgery.

How Does Chiropractic Help?

Chiropractic offers scoliosis treatment that doesn’t rely on drugs or surgery. It can improve spinal alignment, reduce growth curvature, reduce pain, improve posture, increase flexibility and mobility, reduce muscle tension, improve breathing, and improve overall quality of life.

What Does Macomb Township Chiropractic Offer?

We offer state of the art treatment for scoliosis which includes the concept of chiropractic biophysics. Chiropractic biophysics combines conventional chiropractic (which relieves pinched nerves and increases blood flow) and physical rehabilitation (which strengthens muscles and improves movement) to not only reduce pain, but make you healthier by correcting the cause of your issues. This includes postural rehabilitation, which retrains the brain and muscles responsible for correcting the shape of your spine. Many of our patients with scoliosis have achieved curvature reductions and improved posture.

Dr. Chris Mcneil

Dr. Chris McNeil specializes in Chiropractic Rehab and Disc Decompression Therapy. He is the first Chiropractor in Michigan to be certified in the Chiropractic Biophysics (CBP) technique of posture & spinal rehabilitation. CBP is the chiropractic technique with the most research studies published in medical and chiropractic journals, so it is the most scientific and specific of all the chiropractic techniques. Dr. Chris is also certified in the Kennedy disc decompression therapy technique for the treatment of bulging, herniated or degenerated discs.
Growing up in Metro Detroit Michigan in a medical family, with both his mother and father working as registered nurses, Dr. Chris always knew he wanted to go into the medical profession. After recovering from a severe auto accident while he was in high school, in which he fractured both of his arms, several fingers and his leg, and had to undergo extensive surgeries and physical therapy. That is when Dr. Chris decided to go to Wayne State University to become a physical therapist.
At the same time Dr. Chris was going to Wayne State University to become a physical therapist he was introduced to chiropractic care by a high school friend who was going to Life University to become a chiropractor.  Since starting under chiropractic care, the chronic sinus infections he used to experience on a monthly basis now happen rarely, and at that time he became a chiropractic believer and converted. That’s when he changed his college major from physical therapy to chiropractic.
Dr. Chris graduated from Life University in Marietta Georgia in 2002 and has dedicated his life to helping the people of Macomb County Michigan achieve natural and safe health and healing through chiropractic rehab and disc decompression therapy.